I don't know what business you're in so this may not apply but, you may be able to talk to your vendors and offer to secure a line of credit. i.e. they hold a few hundred dollars to cover your credit line at the beginning.
If you pay you bills on time, they will raise your line and help build a credit history.
Abbigail S.
Hi Taya,
Business credit is usually backed up by your personal credit (when you are new/small at least.)
Check out your local banks and credit unions to see if they can help while you rebuild your personal credit history.
Susie C.
I don't know what business you're in so this may not apply but, you may be able to talk to your vendors and offer to secure a line of credit. i.e. they hold a few hundred dollars to cover your credit line at the beginning.
If you pay you bills on time, they will raise your line and help build a credit history.